
BEAM (short ver.)

幅 = 1200mm
奥行き = 220mm
高さ = 350mm

2x4 と 2x6 をH型に組み合わせ、その強度をさらに上げるための4つの材料を脚としてローベンチをつくりました。直前カットとビス止めという石巻工房が扱う 2x 材のボリュームを抑えるのではなく、強調するような形にしています。軒先に置いて旅の支度をしたりコーヒーを飲んだり、数本組み合わせて人の集まる場をつくることを想定しました。

Design: MUTE
プロダクト、スペース、グラフィックなど領域にとらわれず、ディレクションからデザインまでトータルで行う。主な仕事に、「col.」、「くみひも」、「MONOPURI / PANAMA」、「tempo / circle waltz」、 「石巻工房」のアドバイザリーボードなどがある。

BEAM (short ver.)

Width = 1200mm
Depth = 220 mm
Height = 350mm

This bench has been made by using 2x4 and 2x6 wood to construct the H structure, with four legs to add structural integrity. It is designed to emphasize, rather than suppress, the volume of 2x lumber handled by Ishinomaki Laboratory, which allows for a direct-cut and screw-fastening process. Itis intended to be placed on the porch where people can sit down to prepare for a trip, drink coffee, or combine several of them to create a gathering place.

Design : MUTE
Founded in 2008, MUTE was started by Kenji Ito and Takahiro Umino, both of whom are graduates of the Kuwasawa Design School. Not limited to the fields of product, space, and graphic design, their work is guided by a ‘total’ approach that encompasses creative direction to design. Brands they have worked with include col., MONOPURI / PANAMA, and tempo / circle waltz, as well as serving on the advisory board of Ishinomaki Laboratory.