



デザイン:寺田尚樹 Naoki Terada
1994年、英国建築家協会建築学校(AAスクール)ディプロマコースを修了。帰国後2003年、テラダデザイン一級建築士事務所を設立。2011年、「テラダモケイ」、「15.0%」を設立。2018年、株式会社インターオフィス代表取締役社長、ノルジャパン株式会社取締役上級副社長。グッドデザイン賞など受賞歴多数。プラモデル研究家。「紙でつくる1/100の世界 テラダモケイの楽しみ方」、「紙でつくる1/100の物語 テラダモケイ完全読本」(共にグラフィック社)刊行
Naoki Terada


Width = 240mm
Depth = 240mm
Height = 300mm

DROP is an umbrella stand made of 2x2 pieces of dimensional lumber affixed to a steel plate. A maximum of nine umbrellas are able to be arranged in a compact manner within a space of 240x240mm. One unit would be enough for the narrow entryway of a personal residence, while 2-3 units joined together would be suitable for a public space or entryway of a larger building.

Design : Naoki Terada
In 1994, Naoki Terada completed the diploma course of the Architectural Association School of Architecture (UK). Upon returning to Japan in 2003, he founded TERADADESIGN ARCHITECTS. In 2011, he established TERADA MOKEI and 15.0%. In 2018, he became the President and Representative Director of Inter Office Co., Ltd. and the Senior Vice President of Knoll Japan Co., Ltd.. He is also the recipient of many accolades, a plastic model aficionado, and prolific writer.
Naoki Terada